The 2009 Global Financial Services Centres Conference

Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th May 2009


Speaker Biography


Paolo Cecchini

Author of the Cecchini Report on the 'Cost of non-Europe'

Born in Perugia (I), 1927; graduate 1950, law, University of Turin.

Entered (1951) Banca Commerciale Italiana, Milan, shifted (1954) to a Banca Commerciale subsidiary, the Banque Francaise & Italienne pour l'Amerique du Sud, Paris, for a two years management training course, then taking various positions in the Banco Frances e Italiano, Caracas, Venezuela, (1956/ 1958).

Joined in January 1959 the Engineering industries unit in the Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC). Shifted in 1960 to the Commission of the European Economic Community, Directorate General for External Relations, relations with the Mediterranean countries; transferred (1967) as Head of Division to the Task Force for the first enlargement of the Community (UK, Ireland, Denmark) first for after taking part in the preparation of the accession negotiation, then for the negotiation of the Free Trade Agreements with the EFTA countries. Later (1973) Director for the 'Non associated' developing countries in Asia and Latin America, and in 1976 the first Head of Delegation of the Commission to the UN in New York. Promoted (1977)to Deputy Director General for the Internal Market and Industrial Affairs, where he was in charge of a number of industrial sectors (notably engineering, automobiles, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, processed food), for both economic and legislative aspects including the development of the "new approach" to the approximation of legislation.

Voluntary early retirement (March 1986), requested by the Commission time Lord to organize and direct, as Special Advisor to the Commission, the research on the 'Cost of non Europe', the results of which have been largely known as the 'Cecchini Report', published in 17 languages.

Presently involved activities, related to the development of the European Union, as:
- Chairman of the Scientific Committee, Servizio Europa-SEU (European documentation, information and studies), Perugia and Director from 1990 to 1999 of the two year graduate school on European affairs run by SEU

- Teaching: (SEU graduate school, Perugia, 1990 to date; College of Europe, Bruges from 1988 to 1992; University of Massachusetts USA: Amherst, 1994, Boston, 1995, 1996;IEIE graduate course on European developments, Mexico City, 2001); academic seminars (Spain:Universidad Autonoma Barcelona; Universidad Carlos III, Madrid; Universidad del Pays Basco, Bilbao; Universidad de Alicante; UK: Sussex University, Falmer; USA: Columbia University, New York NY, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Boston Ma, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Duke University, Raleigh, NC; European Union Center Atlanta,Ga);

- Consulting: European Union advisor to J & A Garrigues, Madrid 1990/96;main activities: strategic advisor for technical assistance on legislation on Latvia; co-team leader of a TACIS/EES project on the C.I.S. Interstate Economic Committee, Moscow; various other assignments in Europe and in Latin America on questions related to institutional and legal elements of multinational integration

- Communication: various conferences, interviews, press articles; member of the jury of the Prix Stendhal (1995/1998) an award to the best treatment by the media of the European build-up. Trustee of the 'Friends of Europe' an Association chaired by Viscount Davignon, Mr. Giles Merrit being the Secretary General Chairman of the Advisory Body to the Research Project on the liberalization of the Financial Services, funded by the European Round Table of Financial Services.

- Co-author of: 'The new Europe of 1992', Milan, Copenhagen, Stockholm, The Hague, 1990 'Union Europea - Eficiencia y democracia', Madrid, 1994 'Italia senza Europa?', Milan, 1997

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