Wednesday, March 12, 2025

The FCI 500: A list of the most influential people in financial centres worldwide

This FCI 500 list of the most influential people in financial centres was compiled in 2011 at a critical point in the global financial crisis as an insight into the people, and forces that were shaping the future of different kinds of financial centre at that juncture. Its principal authors were Patrick Young, editor of Exchange Invest ( and Ken O'Brien editor of Finance Dublin (

1 Mario Draghi Governor Banca d'Italia
2 Timothy Geithner Secretary of the Treasury US Department of the Treasury
3 Barney Frank Congressman United States House of Representatives
4 Dominique Strauss-Kahn Managing Director International Monetary Fund
5 Josef Ackermann Chairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive Committee Deutsche Bank AG
6 Nout Wellink President De Nederlandsche Bank
7 Zhou Xiaochuan Governor People's Bank of China
8 Michel Barnier Commissioner for the Internal Market and Services European Commission
9 Jean-Claude Trichet President European Central Bank
10 Stefan Walter Secretary General Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
11 Mervyn King Governor and Chairman of the Monetary Policy Committee The Bank of England
12 Norman Chan Chief Executive The Hong Kong Monetary Authority
13 Jaime Caruana General Manager BIS
14 Ben Bernanke Chairman Federal Reserve System
15 Michael Geoghegan Group Chief Executive HSBC Holdings plc
16 Lloyd C. Blankfein CEO and Chairman Goldman Sachs
17 Paul Volcker Chair of the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board US Government
18 Wolfgang Schaeuble Federal Minister of Finance Germany
19 Vikram Pandit Chief Executive Officer Citi
20 Wang Qishan Vice-Premier People's Republic of China
21 Lord Peter Levene Chairman Lloyd's
22 Liu Mingkang Chairman China Banking Regulatory Commission
23 Hans-Rudolf Merz Member Swiss Federal Council
24 James Dimon Chairman, and CEO JP Morgan Chase & Co.
25 Dennis Nally Chairman PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
26 Masaaki Shirakawa Governor The Bank of Japan
27 Chris Dodd Chairman U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs United States Senate
28 Tharman Shanmugaratnam Minister of Finance Ministry of Finance, Singapore
29 Adair Turner Chairman, FSA Financial Services Authority, UK
30 Philipp Hildebrand Member of the Governing Board Swiss National Bank
31 George Osborne Chancellor of the Exchequer United Kingdom
32 Mark Carney Governor Bank of Canada
33 Brian Moynihan Chairman and CEO Bank of America Merrill Lynch
34 Sharon Bowles Chairman of the European Parliament Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee European Parliament
35 Gordon Nixon CEO Royal Bank of Canada
36 Mark Hoban Financial Secretary to the Treasury HM Treasury
37 Phil Angelides Chair Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, US Congress
38 Jeffrey Owens Head of Centre for Tax Policy and Administration OECD
39 John Varley Chief Executive Barclays Plc
40 Michael Bloomberg Mayor of New York City Office of the Mayor of New York City
41 John Connolly Senior Partner and Chief Executive Deloitte LLP
42 Axel Weber President Deutsche Bundesbank
43 Mary Schapiro Chairman Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
44 Win Bischoff Chairman Lloyds TSB Bank Plc
45 Anshu Jain Head of Global Markets Deutsche Bank AG
46 Jean-Paul Chifflet CEO Credit Agricole
47 Chris Bowen Minister for Financial Services, Superannuation & Corporate Law & Minister for Human Services Australia
48 K C Chan Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Hong Kong SAR
49 James Turley Chairman & CEO Ernst & Young
50 Stephen Hester CEO Royal Bank of Scotland
51 Stuart Popham Senior Partner, London Clifford Chance
52 Xavier Rolet Chief Executive Officer London Stock Exchange
53 Sheila Bair Chair Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
54 Jonathan Faull Director General Internal Market, European Commission
55 Christine Lagarde Minister of Economy, Finance & Employment France
56 Dong Soo Chin Chairman Financial Services Commission, Korea
57 Jan Hommen CEO ING Bank
58 Nicholas Macpherson Permanent Secretary HM Treasury
59 Walter B. Kielholz Chairman Swiss Re
60 Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Ruler of Dubai and Prime Minister United Arab Emirates
61 Timothy Flynn Chairman KPMG International
62 Sir David Tweedie Chairman International Accounting Standards Board
63 Eric Holder Attorney General United States of America
64 Carlos Tavares Chairman Committee of European Securities Regulators CESR
65 Duncan Niederauer Chief Executive Officer, Director NYSE Euronext
66 Oswald Grubel CEO UBS AG
67 Lee Kwan Yew Minister Mentor Government of Singapore
68 Francois Perol President du Directoire BPCE
69 Charles Li CEO Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
70 Yousef Hussain Kamal Chairman Qatar Financial Centre (QFC)
71 Piyush Gupta Chief Executive Officer DBS Bank
72 Mark Johnson Project Chairman Australian Financial Centre Forum
73 Fulin Shang Chairman China Securities Regulatory Commission
74 Jim Flaherty Minister Canada
75 Jane Diplock Chairman of the Commission Securities Commission New Zealand
76 Olli Rehn EU Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner European Commission
77 Gabriel Bernardino Chairman Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors (CEIOPS, Europe)
78 Elizabeth Warren Chair Congressional Oversight Panel On TARP
79 Jean-Pierre Jouyet Chairman AMF France (Autorité des Marchés Financiers)
80 Wolf Klinz Chairman of the Financial Crisis Committee European Parliament
81 Dominic Barton Managing Director Worldwide McKinsey & Company
82 Jose Maria Roldan Director General of Banking Regulation Bank of Spain
83 Simon Davies Managing Partner Linklaters
84 Christian Katz CEO SIX Swiss Exchange
85 John Conroy Junior Chairman Executive Committee Baker & McKenzie
86 Sakong Il Chairman and CEO Institute for Global Economics, Seoul
87 Brady Dougan Chief Executive Officer Credit Suisse Group ADS
88 Robert Bruce Zoellick President The World Bank Group
89 David Cheyne Partner Linklaters
90 Patrick Odier Managing Partner Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch
91 Steve Ellis Worldwide Managing Director Bain & Company
92 Jean-Paul Gauzes MEP EPP GROUP, European Parliament
93 Andrew Cuomo Attorney General New York State
94 Robert Kelly Chairman and CEO The Bank of New York Mellon
95 Anthony Travers   Cayman Finance
96 Reto Francioni Chief Executive Officer Deutsche Borse
97 Peter Sands Group CEO Standard Chartered Bank
98 Wim Dejonghe Managing Partner Allen & Overy
99 Hector Sants Chief Executive Officer Financial Services Authority, UK
100 Massimo Capuano CEO Borsa Italiana
101 Shashank Srivastava Acting CEO Qatar Financial Centre (QFC)
102 Jean-Claude Juncker Prime Minister Luxembourg
103 Eric L. Friedman Executive Chairman Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom
104 Deven Sharma President Standard & Poor's
105 Bob Herz Chairman Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
106 Frederic Oudea CEO Société General
107 Arminio Fraga Chairman BM&F Bovespa
108 Allan Bell Minister for Economic Development Isle of Man Government
109 Alessandro Profumo CEO UniCredit Group
110 Baudouin Prot Chief Executive Officer BNP Paribas
111 Ronald Arculli CEO Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
112 Spyros Kapralos President FESE (Federation of European Securities Exchanges)
113 William McKeeva Bush Premier Cayman Islands
114 Richard Ward Chief Executive Lloyd's
115 Carlo Comporti Secretary General Committee of European Securities Regulators CESR
116 Ahmad Humaid Al Tayer Governor Dubai International Financial Centre
117 Tiff Macklem Associate Deputy Minister of Finance Canada
118 Emilio Botin Chairman Grupo Santander
119 Ibrahim Abdul Aziz Al Assaf Minister of Finance Saudi Arabia
120 Bader Mohammed Al-Saad Chief Executive Officer Kuwait Investment Authority
121 Colin Powell Chairman Offshore Group of Banking Supervisors (OGBS)
122 Jean Guill General Director Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)
123 Chris Saul Senior Partner Slaughter & May
124 Antonio Borges Chairman Hedge Fund Standards Board
125 Jay Hooley CEO State Street Bank
126 Donald F. Donahue Chairman & Chief Executive Officer The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation
127 Christopher McKenzie Partner Walkers Global
128 Nikolaus von Bomhard Chairman Munich Re
129 Cesare Geronzi Chairman Generali Group
130 Vicky Ford MEP Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, European Parliament
131 Henry Tang Ying-yen Chief Secretary for Administration Hong Kong
132 Fredrick H. Waddell CEO Northern Trust
133 Vince Cable Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills United Kingdom
134 Thomas Krantz Secretary General World Federation of Exchanges
135 Stuart Fraser Chairman of Policy & Resources Committee City of London
136 Jacques de Larosiere Chairman, High Level Group on Cross-Border Financial Supervision; Adviser BNP Paribas
137 Daniel Tarullo Member, Board of Governors Federal Reserve System
138 James Freis Jr Director FinCEN, US Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
139 Agustin Carstens Governor Bank of Mexico
140 Jean-Baptiste de Franssu President EFAMA
141 Abdulla Al Awar CEO Dubai International Financial Centre
142 Roger Liddell CEO LCH.Clearnet Group Ltd
143 Angela Knight CEO British Bankers Association
144 Robert Greifeld President and Chief Executive Officer The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc.
145 Bill J. Brodsky Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE)
146 Marcus Killick Chief Executive Financial Services Commission Gibraltar
147 Peter J. Wallison Co Director American Enterprise Institute
148 Eric Daniels CEO Lloyds Banking Group
149 Huguette Labelle Chair Transparency Index
150 Ulrik Nodgard Director General Finanstylsynet
151 Michael Spencer Group CEO ICAP
152 Craig Donohue CEO CME Group
153 Ravi Narain Managing Director National Stock Exchange, India
154 Luc Frieden Minister for the Treasury and the Budget Luxembourg
155 T. Timothy Ryan CEO The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association
156 Nicolas Pictet Vice President Geneva Financial Centre
157 Randall Kroszner Professor University of Chicago
158 Lionel Barber Editor The Financial Times
159 Julia Dickson Superintendent Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) Canada
160 C.B. Bhave Chairman Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
161 Terry Le Sueur Chief Minister Jersey
162 Robert Diamond Jr President Barclays Plc
163 B.C. Khatua Chairman Forward Markets Commission, India
164 Nik van Leuven Director General Guernsey Financial Services Commission
165 John Aspden Chief Executive Financial Supervision Commission (Isle of Man)
166 Patrick Honohan Governor Central Bank of Ireland
167 Masayuki Oku Chairman of the Board Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC)
168 Geoff Cook Chief Executive Jersey Finance Limited
169 Boudewijn Verhelst Chairman Egmont Group
170 Eric Dinallo   Former Superintendent of Insurance for New York State
171 Peter Caruana Chief Minister and Minister of Finance Gibraltar
172 Wendy Warren CEO & Executive Director Bahamas Financial Services Board
173 Douglas Ferrans Chair Investment Management Association (IMA)
174 Terry Duffy Executive Chairman CME Group
175 Raymond McDaniel Chairman and CEO Moody's Investor Services
176 W Edmond Clarke CEO TD Bank (Toronto Dominion)
177 H.E. Rasheed Mohammed Al Maraj Governor Central Bank of Bahrain
178 Nouriel Roubini Professor of Economics and International Business New York University
179 Jochen Sanio President Bafin
180 Essa Kazim Chairman Dubai Financial Market (DFM)
181 Robert Mathavious Managing Director/CEO BVI Financial Services Commission
182 Chris Gibson-Smith Chairman London Stock Exchange
183 Kurt Pribil Executive Director Financial Market Authority, Austria - FMA
184 Theodor Dumitru Stolojan Vice Chair Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, European Parliament
185 Rachida Dati MEP Committee Member Economic & Monetary Affairs EPP GROUP, European Parliament
186 Stanislaw Kluza Chairman Polish Financial Supervision Authority (PFSA)
187 Gary Gensler Chairman U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission
188 Michelle Bachmann Congresswoman United States House of Representatives
189 Michael Cohrs Co-Head of Investment Banking Deutsche Bank AG
190 Hans Hoogervorst Chairman Netherlands Authority for Financial Markets
191 Lawrence Henry Summers Director The National Economic Council USA (NEC)
192 Jim McNulty Chair NYSE Liffe
193 Max Baucus Chairman United States Senate Committee on Finance
194 Peter Niven Chief Executive Guernsey Finance LBG
195 Brian Lenihan Minister for Finance Ireland
196 Justin Yifu Lin Chief Economist The World Bank Group
197 Howard Davies Director The London School of Economics and Political Science
198 Tan Zeti Akhtar Aziz Governor Bank Negara Malaysia
199 Lou Jiwei Chairman and CEO China Investment Corporation
200 Janet Ecker President Toronto Financial Services Alliance
201 Luis Urrutia Corral President Financial Action Task Force
202 Michael Foot Former Chairman The Financial Services Authority
203 Lyndon Trott Chief Minister Guernsey
204 Sylvie Goulard MEP Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, European Parliament
205 Stephen Green Chairman HSBC Holdings plc
206 Naser Ahmad AlSuwaidi Chairman of The Board of Directors Abu Dhabi Stock Exchange
207 Michael Mainelli Director Z/Yen
208 John Harris Director General Jersey Financial Services Commission
209 Collin Peterson Chairman US House Agriculture Committee
210 Byron Georgiou Commissioner Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, US Congress
211 Peter Braumueller Chairman of the Executive Committee International Association of Insurance Supervisors
212 Andrew Baker Chief Executive AIMA
213 Deirdre Somers Chief Executive The Irish Stock Exchange
214 Grant Stein Global Managing Partner Walkers Global
215 Nasser Saidi Economist Dubai International Financial Centre
216 Paula A. Cox Finance Minister Bermuda
217 Paul Koster Chief Executive Dubai Financial Services Authority
218 James Tipping Director Gibraltar Finance Centre
219 Tamara Menteshvili Chief Executive Channel Islands Stock Exchange
220 Paul Gigot Editor The Wall Street Journal
221 Guillermo Larrain Chairman The Emerging Markets Committee IOSCO
222 Tony D Aloisio Chairman Securities & Investments Commission, Australia
223 Gregory A. Wojoechowski CEO and President Bermuda Stock Exchange
224 Stephen Joynt CEO Fitch Ratings Ltd
225 Hans-Ulrich Doerig Chairman Credit Suisse Group ADS
226 Orit Gadiesh Chair Bain & Company
227 Tom Scholar Secretary HM Treasury
228 Atsushi Saito CEO Tokyo Stock Exchange Group, Inc.
229 Roberto Setubal President Itaú-Unibanco
230 Vassilios Skouris President European Court of Justice
231 Jean-Paul Servais Chairman CBFA Belgium
232 Andrew Haldane Executive Director for Financial Stability The Bank of England
233 Jonathan Hooley Chairman Channel Islands Stock Exchange
234 Park Hyeon-Joo Founder Mirae Asset Group
235 Tim Plews Partner Clifford Chance LLP
236 Paul Vlaanderen Former President Financial Action Task Force
237 James Gorman CEO Morgan Stanley
238 Joelle Ceccaldi-Raynaud President EPAD
239 Kim Kihwan Chair Seoul Financial Forum
240 George McCarthy Chair Cayman Islands Monetary Authority CIMA
241 Andrew Sheng Chief Advisor China Banking Regulatory Commission
242 Stanley Fischer Governor Bank of Israel
243 Henri de Castries Chairman and CEO AXA Group
244 Daniel J. Mitchell Senior Fellow The Cato Institute
245 Martin Andersson DG Finanspektionen
246 Milan Meetarbhan Chief Executive Financial Services Commission (Mauritius)
247 Cindy Scotland Managing Director Cayman Islands Monetary Authority CIMA
248 Supachai Panitchpakdi Secretary General United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
249 Nasser Al Suwaidi Governor Central Bank of UAE
250 Guy Morton Partner Financial Services Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
251 Matthew Elderfield Head of Financial Supervision Central Bank of Ireland
252 Patrick Pearson Head of Financial Markets Infrastructure, DG 15 European Commission
253 Ajay Shah Professor National Institute for Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi
254 Luis Tellez Chairman and CEO Mexican Stock Exchange
255 Michael Ryan Deputy CEO QFCRA
256 Issam Issam Youssef El Janahi Chairman Gulf Finance House
257 Klaus Tschutscher Prime Minister Government of Liechtenstein
258 Peter De Proft Director General EFAMA
259 Boris Johnson Mayor of London City of London
260 Corrado Passera Managing Director, CEO Intesa Sanpaolo
261 Jeremy Cox CEO Bermuda Monetary Authority
262 George Soros Hedge Fund Manager Quantum Mutual Funds.
263 John Bruton Chairman IFSC Ireland
264 Gerry Grimstone Chairman Standard Life
265 Owen Kelly Chief Execuive Scottish Financial Enterprise
266 Jacques Girard President & CEO(Acting) International Financial Centre Montreal
267 Pierre de Weck Head of Private Wealth Management Deutsche Bank
268 Michael Diekmann Chairman Allianz SE ADS Munich
269 Anne Craine Treasury Minister, Isle of Man Government Isle of Man Government
270 Lamon Rutten CEO Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limited
271 Thomas A. Kloet CEO TMX Group
272 Paul Tucker Deputy Governor, Financial Stability The Bank of England
273 Martin Merlin Director, Financial Services Policy Unit, DG MARKT European Commission
274 Laurence D. Fink Chairman and Chief Executive Officer BlackRock Inc
275 Sherri Ortiz Chief Operating Officer BVI IFC
276 Patience Wheatcroft Editor-in-Chief Wall Street Journal - Europe
277 Peter Straarup Chief Executive Officer Danske Bank
278 Clive Chaplin Non-Executive Chairman Ogier Group
279 John Stumpf President and CEO Wells Fargo
280 Ted Lord Head of Covered Bond Products Barclays Capital
281 Niall Ferguson Professor Harvard University
282 Christine Bortenlaenger FPMI spokesman & CEO Munich Stock Exchange
283 Alan Grayson Member - Florida's 8th district United States House of Representatives
284 David Eldon Chairman Dubai International Financial Centre
285 David Kinloch CEO Labuan IBFC
286 Muhammad Al-Jasser Governor Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
287 HH Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nehayan Chairman The Abu Dhabi Investment Authority
288 Petr Koblic Chairman of the Board & CEO Prague Stock Exchange
289 Winston Dookeran Minister for Finance Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
290 Richard Waugh CEO Bank of Nova Scotia
291 Martin Gilbert Chief Executive Aberdeen Asset Management
292 Nick Kershaw Partner and Chief Executive Ogier Group
293 Ralph Norris CEO Commonwealth Bank
294 Henry Smith Global Managing Partner Maples and Calder
295 Jiang Jianqing CEO ICBC, China
296 Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassam Bin Jaber Al-Thani CEO Qatar Investment Authority
297 William Gross Managing Director and Co-CIO Pacific Investment Management Company
298 Joseph Massey Deputy Managing Director Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limited
299 Tim Howell CEO Euroclear SA/NV
300 Bruce Kovner Chairman Caxton Associates
301 Robert Shepherd Managing Partner, Mourant Ozannes, Guernsey Mourant Ozannes
302 Nobuo Kuroyanagi President and CEO Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group
303 John Ingamells Director TheCityUK
304 Alfredo Egydio Setubal CEO Itau Unibanco Holding SA
305 Kenichi Watanabe CEO Nomura Holdings, Inc.
306 Stephen A. Schwarzman Chairman & CEO The Blackstone Group
307 Hans-Joerg Rudloff Chairman Barclays Capital UK
308 Pat Butler Head of Financial Services McKinsey & Company
309 R. E (Sandy) Shipton Head of Asset & Fund Management Dubai International Financial Centre
310 Bill Downe CEO Bank of Montreal
311 Kenneth Farrugia Chairman Finance Malta
312 William Sutton President Equipment Leasing and Finance Association (ELFA)
313 Richard J. Hay Tax Principal Stikeman Elliot, LLP
314 Rolf-Peter Hoenen President GDV - Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e.v.
315 Isabel Martin Castella General Manager Madrid Centro Financiero Internacional
316 Andrew Crockett President JP Morgan Chase international
317 William Slattery Managing Director State Street International (Ireland) Ltd
318 Abdul Rahman AlBaker Executive Director Financial Institutions Supervision Central Bank of Bahrain
319 Magnus Boecker Chief Executive Officer Singapore Exchange Limited
320 Michael von Liechtenstein President and CEO Industrie-und Finanzkontor
321 Jacek Rostowski Minister for Finance Poland
322 Byron Wien Vice Chairman Blackstone Advisory Partners
323 Lutz Raettig Speaker of the Presidency Frankfurt Main Finance
324 Andrew Large Former Deputy Governor The Bank of England
325 Malcolm Couch Assessor of Income Tax Isle of Man Government
326 Hans-Jurgen Schinzler Former Chairman Munich Re
327 Nicolas Weill Group Managing Director Moody's Investor Services
328 Irwin M. Stelzer Senior Fellow & Director, Columnist & Advisor, London / New York The Hudson Institute
329 Algirdas Semeta Commissioner for Taxation and Customs Union European Commission
330 Christian Clausen President and Group Chief Executive Officer Nordea Bank
331 Michael Petronella President Dow Jones
332 Warren Buffett Chairman and CEO Berkshire Hathaway
333 Richard Raeburn Chairman EACT
334 William Dudley CEO Federal Reserve Bank of New York
335 James R. Hines Jr. Professor University of Michigan Law School
336 Fernand Grulms CEO Luxembourg for Finance
337 Sjoerd van Keulen Chairman Holland Financial Centre
338 Sandra Boss Partner McKinsey & Company
339 Richard Teather Senior Lecturer Bournemouth University
340 Jeffrey Tessler CEO Clearstream International
341 Hubertus Vaeth Managing Director Frankfurt Main Finance
342 Russell Loubser CEO Johannesburg Stock Exchange
343 Todd Ruppert President and CEO T. Rowe Price Global Investment Services Limited
344 Marwan Lutfi Deputy CEO Dubai International Financial Centre
345 Maria Helena Santana Chair CVM Brazil
346 Guillermo Babatz Torres President Mexican National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV)
347 Jean St-Gelais President AMF France (Autorité des Marchés Financiers)
348 Enrique Prados del Amo President Asociacion de Mercados Financieros, Spain
349 John Kelleher Chairman Carey Olsen
350 Ali Salman Thamer Director Capital Markets Supervision CBB
351 Rundheersing Bheenick Governor Bank of Mauritius
352 Sven Giegold MEP, Member, committee on economic & Monetary Affairs European Parliament
353 Chanda D. Kochhar CEO ICICI Ltd
354 Nicholls Neville Chairman Securities Commission of Barbados
355 Mark Tennant Chair Scottish Financial Enterprise
356 Georgios Charalambous Chairman Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission
357 Tai-Ping Chuang Secretary General Taiwan Securities Association
358 Bassam Saket Executive Chairman Jordan Securities Commission (JSC)
359 Matthew Koder Head of Global Capital Markets UBS Investment Bank
360 David Green Adviser Financial Reporting Council
361 Anthony Belchambers Chief Executive Futures and Options Association (FOA)
362 Enrique Zorrilla Chief Executive Banamex
363 Jeremy Newman CEO BDO International
364 Lamberto Cardia Chairman CONSOB - Commissione Nazionale per le Societa e la Borsa
365 Herve de Charrette President French Institute of Islamic Finance
366 Michael Buhl Co-CEO Vienna Stock Exchange
367 Willie Watt CEO Martin Currie Investment Management Limited
368 Heinrich Schaller Co-CEO Vienna Stock Exchange
369 Priya Uberoi Head of Islamic Derivatives Clifford Chance
370 Steve Bernard Managing Director Geneva Financial Centre
371 Edward Yingling CEO American Bankers Association
372 Harvey McGrath Chair Prudential Europe
373 Niall Fitzgerald Chairman Thomson Reuters
374 Edouard de Lencquesaing Senior Adviser Paris EUROPLACE
375 John Peace Chairman Standard Chartered Bank
376 Yang Kaisheng President ICBC, China
377 Gerald McCaughey President and Chief Executive Officer CIBC
378 Alan Thompson Former President & Chief Executive Officer Butterfield Bank
379 Paul Myners   United Kingdom Parliament
380 Avinash Persaud Chairman Intelligence Capital Limited
381 Lenworth Johnson Chairman Ministry of Finance and the Economy, Antigua
382 Ian Powell Chairman Pricewaterhouse Coopers
383 John Hobbs Commissioner Financial Supervisory Commission (Cook Islands)
384 Anselmo Teng Chairman, Board of Directors Monetary Authority of Macao
385 Joseph Bannister Chairman and President Malta Financial Services Authority
386 Jonathan Rigby Managing Partner Mourant Ozannes
387 Howard W. Lutnick Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Cantor Fitzgerald
388 Patrick Liedtke Secretary General and Managing Director Geneva Association - Risk & Insurance Economics
389 Muhammad Yunus Founder Grameen Bank Bhaban
390 Blythe Masters Chief Financial Officer JP Morgan Investment Bank
391 Lamido Aminu Sanusi Governor Central Bank of Nigeria
392 Mark Mobius Executive Chairman Franklin Templeton Investment Management
393 Michael Snyder City Policy Chairman City of London
394 Michael Devereux Director Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation
395 Marjorie Scardino Chief Executive Officer Pearson PLC
396 Mark Field MP Conservative Party, UK
397 Garegin Tosunyan President Association of Russian Banks
398 Barbara Kolm Secretary General Friedrich A. v. Hayek Institut
399 Andrei Kostin Chairman and CEO VTB Bank
400 Ed Nusbaum CEO Grant Thornton International
401 Manel Torrentalle Cairo Chairman, Regulator Nacional Andorra de Finances (INAF)
402 Nazrin Shah Financial Ambassador Malaysian International Islamic Financial Centre
403 Leszek Balcerowicz Chairman Bruegel
404 Trevor Thomas Tax Consultant Jamaica International Financial Services Centre
405 Karel Lannoo Chief Executive Officer Centre for European Policy Studies
406 Archie Kane Group Executive Director Lloyds Bank
407 Paul Krugman Columnist and Economist New York Times
408 Andrew Moss Group Chief Executive Aviva plc
409 Luiz Fernando Vendramini Fleury CEO CETIP
410 Brian Duperreault President and CEO Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc.
411 Judith Hardt Secretary General FESE (Federation of European Securities Exchanges)
412 Charles Grassley Senator - Senate Finance Committee US Senate
413 Jean Castellini Secretary General Commission de Contrôle des Activités Financières (CCAF)
414 Hans Paul Burkner President and Chief Executive Officer BCG
415 Alasdair Haynes CEO Chi-X Europe
416 Bob Wigley Former Chairman EMEA Merrill Lynch International
417 Howard Kew CEO Financial Leeds
418 Roman Goryunov Chairman Russian Trading System
419 Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz Mayor of Warsaw Government of Poland
420 Shawna Lake CEO St. Kitts Investment Promotion Agency (SKIPA)
421 Lord Michael Ashcroft Deputy Chairman Conservative Party, UK
422 Jacques Elvinger Partner Elvinger, Hoss & Prussen
423 George Iacobescu CEO Canary Wharf Group Ltd.
424 Richard Wilson Senior Partner Apax Partners
425 Claude Kremer Partner - Avocat a la Cour ARENDT & MEDERNACH
426 Alan Boshwaen CEO Botswana International Financial Services Centre
427 Boyd Winton Head of Financial Services Bahrain Economic Development Board
428 Peter Gomez Chairman SIX Swiss Exchange
429 Seth Merrin CEO Liquidnet Inc
430 David Walker Senior Advisor, Ex Chairman Morgan Stanley
431 Barry O'Leary Chief Executive Officer IDA Ireland
432 Alan Ewins Partner, Hong Kong Allen & Overy
433 E. Nevzat Oztangut Chairman The Association of Capital Market Intermediary Institutions of Turkey
434 Louis Bacon Founder and Chief Executive Officer Moore Capital Management
435 Nan Das Gupta Partner BCG
436 Heidi Rohde Editor Boersen-Zeitung
437 Klaus Schwab Chairman and Co Founder World Economic Forum
438 Mats Odell Minister for Financial Markets Government of Sweden
439 David Chong Founder Portcullis Trustnet
440 Noel Gordon Managing Director, Global Banking Accenture
441 Martin Crawford CEO Offshore Incorporations
442 Peter Bubenzer Group Managing Partner Appleby Global
443 Richard Leeson Head of UK Business Development Prudential Group Insurance
444 Donald Boudreaux Former Chair of Department of Economics George Mason University
445 Oh se Hoon Mayor of Seoul Republic of Korea
446 Mark Mactas CEO and Chairman Towers Perrin
447 Ron Paul Member United States House of Representatives
448 Herbert Stepic Deputy Chairman Raiffeisen Zentralbank
449 Peter Montegriffo Partner Hassans
450 John Lawrence Director Anguilla Financial Services
451 Lazaro Campos Chief Executive Officer S.W.I.F.T. scrl
452 Emmanuel Ikazoboh CEO (interim) Nigerian Stock Exchange
453 Ronald Cohen Founder Apax Partners
454 Pascal Lamy Director General World Trade Organisation
455 Aidin Bicker Partner Gomez & Bikker
456 Doris Leuthard Head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs Swiss Confederation
457 Mark Garvin Chairman Treasury & Securities Services International JP Morgan
458 Nassim Taleb Senior Scientific Advisor Universa Investments
459 Erik Sirri Former Director Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
460 Frederik Van Tuyll Group CEO Equity Trust
461 Sveijn Andresen Secretary Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
462 Erich Walser Chairman of the Board Helvetia Holdings
463 David M. Rubenstein Co-Founder and Managing Director The Carlyle Group
464 Richard Haythornthwaite Chairman of the Board of Directors Mastercard Worldwide
465 Kenneth I. Chenault Chairman and Chief Executive Officer American Express Company
466 James Blower Managing Director Clydesdale Bank International
467 Andrew Rosindell MP Conservative Party, UK
468 Giulio Tremonti Minister of Economy and Finance Italy
469 Andrew Hilton Director Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation CSFI
470 Pravin Gordhan Minister for Finance South Africa
471 Odo Tevi Governor Reserve Bank of Vanuatu
472 Gaetan Bucher CEO The Independent Financial Centre of the Americas
473 Henry Kravis Co-Founder, Co-Chairman and Co-CEO Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co
474 Huseyin Erkan Chairman and CEO Istanbul Stock Exchange
475 John Taft Chief Executive RBC Wealth Management United States
476 Tom Glocer Chief Executive Officer Thomson Reuters
477 Akkie Lansberg Managing Director Holland Financial Centre
478 Marlene Bayne Director Banking Supervision Department , Barbados
479 Princess Maxima Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development United Nations
480 Richard Peters Managing Partner Harneys
481 Sheikh Hamad Al Sayari Board Member Malaysian International Islamic Financial Centre
482 Paul Atkins Managing Director Patomak Partners
483 Alan Greenspan Former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Greenspan Associates LLC
484 Tony Tan Keng-Yam Deputy Chairman & Executive Director Government of Singapore Investment Corporation
485 Richard Murphy Founder, Director of the Financial Secrecy Index The Tax Justice Network
486 Andre Villeneuve Non Executive director Lloyds Franchise Board
487 Leon Brittan Chair UBS Investment Bank
488 Colin Marshall Chair Nomura Europe
489 James Deeny Senior Advisor, Financial Services Invest Northern Ireland
490 Barton Winokur Chairman Dechert LLP
491 John Cullinane Partner Deloitte
492 Carin Bryans Chair Irish Funds Industry Association IFIA
493 Michael Young Chairman Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP)
494 Simon Walker Chief Executive BVCA
495 Robert Engle Professor of Finance, Management of Financial Services New York University
496 Barbara Ridpath Chief Executive International Centre for Financial Regulation
497 Etienne Ys Chairman Curaçao International Financial Services
498 Nuhu Ribadu Former Chairman Economic & Financial Crimes Commission, Nigeria
499 Geoff Weir Director Australian Financial Centre Forum
500 Stephen Lund CEO and President Nova Scotia Business Inc.